Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 6: Clear

This week I really enjoyed learning about The Processor. Before watching this lecture I was unaware of all the items inside of the processor and how each piece contrubuted to the process. I must admit that I was one of those people who thought the the speed of a computer was determined clock speed, although prior to watching this it was not clock speed to me but mearly a number. In addition to the closk speed I found the multicore processors to be very interesting, the video did a great job of visualizing the process.

This information will be extremely useful in the business world. It will allow me to make an educated decision about when it is time to consider replacing systems and what the best units to purchase are. The process of how to pick a system is valuable information.

While researching the processor, I came across an article published by Computer Shooper which explains the clock speed, cache, bus speed, etc. This article can be located at

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