Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week 3 - Clear

Week 3, Internet and Web, discussed a lot of good information. The portion of the book which was most clear to me was searching the web. It was interesting to learn that there are two types of search tools used to locate information on the web, a search engine and a subject directory. A search engine is a computer program that searches through its own databases for sites based on the key words you input whereas a subject directory is generally maintained by humans and sorts information by subject, ie sports, food, etc..

Being able to uses search tools in the business environment can be useful in many different ways. A company could very easily research new up and coming trends to better assist them with product development. Once a product has been identified, search engines could be used to outline certain demographic information to assist with the marketing and distribution of the newly developed product. As the market changes, a company could use search engines to help maximize profits by researching more cost effective procedures used to produce this product.

While researching additional information to help explain the difference between a search engine and a subject directory, I came across a website located at . This website helped me understand the best ways to become listed and how to maximize the amount of traffic sent to a particular web address.

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