Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week 2: Clear

The topic of Introduction to computers was very clear to me. This topic was very well laid out and did a very good job of building a foundation for the remainder of the term. Computers date back to 1642 when Pascal created the first adding machine. As time progress the innovations in computers grew created more sophisticated devices able to handle greater capacity. These innovations in technology have resulted in multiple operating systems, more efficient machines, more applications, and the list goes on.

Introduction of computers is vital to the business world as it helps explain a broad overview of computers and the many features available. Computers are used in the medical field to maintain patient files, monitor vital signs, and provide greater precision to surgeons while performing delicate procedures. Computers are used in manufacturing to assist is fabrication which has dramatically reduced the production time of certain items. Another example of computer application in the business world is finance. Banks are a great example of this because computers are used to maintain customer records, assists in financial calculations, as well as for communication via email.

An article I found on the Internet which was originally published in Compute Magazine,, gave me some quality incite into computers in the workplace. I found that this article helped expand upon the information presented in the lectures and the text.

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