Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 4 - Clear

Of the four categories of Application Software, the Business category was most clear to me. Business software includes many different programs such as Spreadsheet, Word Processing, Database, Accounting, etc. These programs were designed to help people become more efficient and effective with their daily business activities.

Business software is extremely important in the business world. Word Processing programs, such as Microsoft Word and Corel Word Perfect, assist in preparing reports, memos, or transcription. Spreadsheet software programs, such as Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers, allows user to organize data in a spreadsheet. The spreadsheets may be set up with built in formulas to help quickly calculate data and display it in a usable format. Another option for businesses would be to utilize a Business Software Suite. By bundling the software programs , for example Microsoft Office and IBM Lotus Smart Suite, a business is able to reduce costs and create ease of use.

In order to get a better feel and understanding of a Business Software Suite, I explored the Microsoft Office website located at http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/FX100647101033.aspx?pid=CL100569831033.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week 3 - Clear

Week 3, Internet and Web, discussed a lot of good information. The portion of the book which was most clear to me was searching the web. It was interesting to learn that there are two types of search tools used to locate information on the web, a search engine and a subject directory. A search engine is a computer program that searches through its own databases for sites based on the key words you input whereas a subject directory is generally maintained by humans and sorts information by subject, ie sports, food, etc..

Being able to uses search tools in the business environment can be useful in many different ways. A company could very easily research new up and coming trends to better assist them with product development. Once a product has been identified, search engines could be used to outline certain demographic information to assist with the marketing and distribution of the newly developed product. As the market changes, a company could use search engines to help maximize profits by researching more cost effective procedures used to produce this product.

While researching additional information to help explain the difference between a search engine and a subject directory, I came across a website located at http://www.anybrowser.com/DirectoriesvsSearchEngines.html . This website helped me understand the best ways to become listed and how to maximize the amount of traffic sent to a particular web address.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week 2: Clear

The topic of Introduction to computers was very clear to me. This topic was very well laid out and did a very good job of building a foundation for the remainder of the term. Computers date back to 1642 when Pascal created the first adding machine. As time progress the innovations in computers grew created more sophisticated devices able to handle greater capacity. These innovations in technology have resulted in multiple operating systems, more efficient machines, more applications, and the list goes on.

Introduction of computers is vital to the business world as it helps explain a broad overview of computers and the many features available. Computers are used in the medical field to maintain patient files, monitor vital signs, and provide greater precision to surgeons while performing delicate procedures. Computers are used in manufacturing to assist is fabrication which has dramatically reduced the production time of certain items. Another example of computer application in the business world is finance. Banks are a great example of this because computers are used to maintain customer records, assists in financial calculations, as well as for communication via email.

An article I found on the Internet which was originally published in Compute Magazine, http://www.atarimagazines.com/compute/issue48/281_1_Computers_And_Society.php, gave me some quality incite into computers in the workplace. I found that this article helped expand upon the information presented in the lectures and the text.

Week 1: Clear

The topic of Information search, Netiquette, and Copyright was very clear to me but it was also extremely interesting as it elaborated nicely given me a much better understanding of the information. Information search allows you to use search engines and subject directories to find an unlimited amount of information on the World Wide Web. Netiquette is the basic rules or courtesies which should be followed while online. One thing which should be remembered is that when you are speaking face to face, the recipient is able to read facial expressions, inflections in your voice, hand gestures, etc. which allows them to get a feel for what you are saying. While on the Internet that personal interaction is lost which may lead to your discussion being misinterpreted. Copyright laws define what material may be reproduced, for what purposes, and how much. Educational users are allowed under “Fair Use” to reproduce limited amounts of copyrighted materials for educational purposes.

Information search, Netiquette, and Copyright are all very important in the business world. Information search can be used to research your competitors, verify laws and codes, investigate new products, etc. Without information search these tasks could take hours, days, or even weeks to complete. Netiquette is used daily in the business world primarily while communicating via email. It is very important to proof read any and all email correspondence prior to sending it. If typed incorrectly, it is easy to send the wrong message entirely. Copyright laws are used in our daily lives, both at work and at home. These laws were designed to protect the author of these documents, songs, etc. It is important that when ever we use this material that we give credit where credit is due.

While doing an information search using Google, I came across a great article which discusses netiquette. The article, located at http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/article/62280537.html adding some additional insight into the topic. For example the article discussed emoticons which can help to express your feelings. When used the reader is able to get a visual on what you are trying to communicate.