Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 13: Clear

During this weeks lectures and reading, the topic I found to be most clear was computer security risks. During my studies I was very interested to learn that their are 7 categories of perpetrators of cyber crimes: hacker, cracker, script kittie, corporate spy, unethical employee, cyberextortionist, and cyberterrorist. All of the different classifications work in differnet ways but are all dangerous to the computing world.

It is very important for the business world to understand these different types of security risks. Knowledge of these predators allows them to boost up security to block hackers, crackers, and script kiddies. Internally they will be able to prevent corporate spies, unethical employees, cyberextortionists, and cyberterrorists.

While doing additional research on the topic of Hackers versus Crackers, I came across an article located at which does a really good job of seperating the two classifications.

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