Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 11: Clear

After reading chapter 10 and reviewing this weeks lectures, the concept I found most clear was relational databases. A relational database stores information and organizes it into a two dimensional table. When designing a database, most programmers will use a process called normalization. This process helps to insure the least amount of redundancy.

Relational databases are very important for businesses. A business may use a relational databases for task such as payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, and many other functions. This database help the company stay  organized which ultimately will lead to more profitablity.

While do more research on relational databases, I came across a website located at http://www.howstuffworks.com/question599.htm which explains the history of databases. While reading this information, I learned that databases began in 1970 and were originate by IBM.

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